One Next Step: Taking Strides to Build Strength and Balance

The risk of falling increases with age. In fact, according to information from the National Institute on Aging (NIA), more than one in three people 65 years or older falls each year.

Early Steps

Taking steps early to build strength and balance can help prevent the risk of falling as you age. From simple exercises to long-term lifestyle changes, there are a variety of choices that can help people gain strength and balance in order to decrease the risk of falls.

Choosing what to do is different for everyone. Maybe you have time to add simple stretches and a short walk to your daily routine. Or, maybe you’re ready to try a new sport that challenges new muscle groups.

Getting Started

Minnesota Falls Prevention recommends moving your body every day and has a list of easy tips to get started including asking your doctor for suggestions, breaking activities into smaller periods of time throughout the day, and starting out slow. In addition to preventing falls, strength and balance building can burn calories, increase flexibility, and may even prevent bone loss from osteoporosis, according to the NIA. 

Jane Duncan (MPH), Principal and Advisor at Radius Living, has purposely chosen to add a variety of new physical activities to her repertoire. “Based on the evidence that strength and balance play such an important role as we age, I’ve added swimming, more yoga, and strength-building to my routine,” said Duncan. She also added  pickleball by taking a community ed class. “Finding a friend, class, or group to participate in is a great way to add accountability to your routine as well as add some fun.”

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